14 June 2010
"california raisin" - it's not kramer
this might be the most obscure pop-culture reference i have put on a cake so far. i mean, the way they market these raisins is even pretty obscure: figurines, t-shirts, deodorant sticks, etc... i think they even made a few television episodes - "the day the grapes went to the beach," or something like that. budumchhhhhhh!
my first choice was to put kramer on this cake, you know THE painting of kramer. i know you know the one, but it was just super difficult. sorry, michael richards and michael rotko.
anyway, i'm not sure if this particular raisin even exists, but he looks like he's having a good time. he's rocking those shades and those kicks. i'd tap that....
TOTAL DECORATING TIME: 1.5 hours + minor extraction surgery when my 4-year-old self stuck a raisin up my nose and couldn't get it out.
it went in a raisin, and came out a grape. think about it,
sassy badger
"lady gaga" - unexplainable
if anyone can explain to me the weird costumes or the "telephone" video or lady gaga in general, i would really appreciate it. i feel like she sort of just popped up out of nowhere, taking up whole episodes of glee and ripping off ace of base, left and right. don't get me wrong, her music is pretty good, but what?
my favorite part about designing this cake was google-ing lady gaga because the search results always suggested "lady gaga hermaphrodite." i mean, hello, jeffrey euginides called, he wants his book back.... anyone? just to keep you in the loop, the term hermaphrodite is being phased out and replaced with "intersex," as it carries less of a stigma. thank you, intersex society of north america.
anyway, i made this cake for my boss, and it was well received by the entire office. best of all, they actually let me and the other interns out of the back room to eat a piece of cake. seeing as how screenplay interns are the bottom of the bottom, this was such exciting news; i could hardly contain myself. thus, i did not even eat a slice of cake for fear that my good mood plus a sugar rush would only lead to self-destruction when i realized i still had 4 hours of paper-pushing to go.
TOTAL DECORATING TIME: 2.5 hours + an extra 6 minutes tagged on to "telephone" to make the most logic-defying music video of all time
born stefani joanne angelina germanotta,
sassy badger
"patrick" - echinoderm nudity
warning: this cake is not for the easily offended, disturbed, or confused. children under 18 should ask a parent before scrolling down.
i know, it's SO risque. anyway, i'm sure most of you recognize this derriere as belonging to patrick star from the awesome television show for kids (although now i recognize the jokes were written for dirty-minded adults) spongebob squarepants. now, i don't know how many of you have seen the movie, but patrick parachutes in sans swim trunks clenching a banner between his cheeks.... yes, THOSE cheeks. it's pretty glorious, but pretty scarring i guess, since i blocked it from my memory.
even for me, this design is pretty absurd. i wanted to just do a regular patrick, but my friend really pushed for the naked patrick. awesome enough, this version was much easier. i just mixed tons of fleshy-toned icing. alright, i'm done talking about this.
TOTAL DECORATING TIME: 2 hours + an awesome commercial by sir mix-a-lot featuring the track "spongebob got back"
absorbent and yellow and porous is he,
sassy badger
p.s. - thanks to everyone who checked out our movie from the last post. it has over 100 views.... move over star wars kid.