05 August 2011

"matt" - ending of an era

made this cake in june, but let's not talk about it.

ok, well, this was a cake for my boss, matt, aka screenplay director of austin film festival. no big deal. don't be jealous. so on and so forth. this cake was a first because that is matt's face on the cake, and i gave it to matt. it was a whole new level of stalking for me, tracing my boss's nose off a facebook photo... trying to match the exact shade of blue for his deep, deep, deep v-neck tee.

but, at the end of the day, i'm very happy with how it turned out, and it was a fun birthday at the office. interns actually got to come out of the back room. after adjusting to the sunlight, i just hung around all day, doing very little work. however, it was also sort of sad because that was one of my last days working for the austin film festival, humble brag part ii. then, i got over it because i was going home to make $25 an hour, douchey brag...

TOTAL DECORATING TIME: 3 hours + 1.5 years of glorious, unpaid, long-houred interning with aff.

thanks for all the papercuts,
sassy bdager

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